• 1 and 2 point persepective...

    Now I'm sure at some point in your elementary/middle/high school experience your art teacher has made you draw a city scape using this method, however it was not in vain!

    This method can often help those like myself who struggle with perspective and how to draw things in relation to others. I also suck at structural things such as buildings and I cannot stress how much this has helped me.

    First you need to establish where you want your object/building/etc to be located in relation to your horizon line and other objects or buildings.

    From there you need to determine if one-point or two-point perspective is needed.

    Next, establish your horizon line and vanishing point(s).

    Finally, draw your object/building accordingly based on the perspective you chose. This can also work for drawing people, like in the photo below.



    Copyright Ashley Williams. Draw It! Designs. All Rights Reseserved