1)start with flash html5
set document to 800 x 1000 and background color to 666666 in the properties inspector
ceate a new symbol>movie clip and call in ani
2)import diego onto stage
insert keyframes at 20,40,60
import to libray diego2 and jeangenet
3)using the swap feature change the images on 20 and 40
4) go to the scene and create the layers
btn, image, logo, copy,actions
and drag the ani out onto the stage in the image layer
draw a shape on the button layer and convert to a button symbol and call it bio
edit the button, add a layer for text and create a keyframes in the over state, add the text bio
5)import the logo into the logo layer
6) add keyframes for the btn, image, logo, copy layer
delete ani and replace with headshot
on the copy layer in the second frame add the copy that is in the work folder
one you specify the text style break apart twice
8)duplicate the buttom in the library and call it home
change the text in the over state to home
back in the scene, swap button on frame two
9) in the actions layer on frame one open code snippets and useing html5 add a stop
10) select the button and add a go to and stop at 1 frame
on the second frame add go to stop for the button change to 0
save and publish file